Have you ever introduced change into your organisation and been left wandering what went wrong?

  • Why is there still resistance and opposition to what you are trying to achieve? 
  • Why are more people not buying into it?
  • Why do people go back to the old way if given the chance?

You dream about change … about a transformed community.

And you have introduced and invested a lot to actually introduced change and you can see the improvement it will make for everyone. So why isn’t it ‘working’ and making the difference you were expecting?


This is something so near and dear to my heart. Our business is built on a vision of “To bring about Change and Transformation that will create value that makes a difference”.

The vision is so beautiful and everyone expresses that they truly want it. The end product will produce major improvement for so many people. But why do we face resistance even within the organisation to bring this about.

Because there’s a big difference between change and transformation.

Once you understand the difference—and 3 principles designed to bring about true transformation—you finally have a shot of seeing the deep change you’ve been hoping to see.

How does it work?

Change is always the first step toward transformation but change alone is not transformational.

Change initially modifies behaviour.

You can change the music, change the dress code, change an approach or change a direction. But change always starts as a new set of behaviours.

For example, if you change your diet to get rid of carbs and sugar, you might start by giving up your old breakfast cereal and making an omelette or mixing up a protein shake. But because it’s behaviour based, you might find yourself longing for your box of cereal. You might even grab the cereal out of habit before realising what you’ve done, only to put it back in the cupboard (reluctantly).

Transformation modifies values and desires.

Again, using diet as an example, transformation happens when you no longer want cereal. In fact, you now crave protein. And even on those days when cereal is being served, your heart and your head lead you to go out of the way to make a different choice.

Change modifies behaviours.  Transformation modifies values and desires.

The Litmus Test of Transformation. How do you know when transformation occurs?
When you no longer want to do what you used to do, behave how you use to behave or have what you used to have. Then you are transformed. No sooner.

The change has to be deep enough, long enough and effective enough to change your values and desires.
To use the biblical metaphor, you know transformation has happened when the people no longer want to go back to Egypt. (It’s amazing, isn’t it, how a whole people just set free from slavery wanted to go back even though they were free? They missed the ways of the old land…and would rather have died slaves than lived free.)

Far too many people want to go back to Egypt.

Far too many people today, like the Israelites, want to go back to the place that keeps them bound in suffering, poverty, sickness, and more – even though they have the choice to take another pathway towards freedom and prosperity.

That means that change isn’t complete and transformation hasn’t happened.

Transformation happens when your desire to live your new life replaces your desire to live your old life. Your values have shifted. Your desires have shifted.

3 Ways to Bring about real Transformation

1.   Keep Going

Almost everyone starts change. Too few finish the journey.

As soon as we face resistance or challenges, we begin to doubt ourselves and compromise or quit. Or we might complete round 1 but fail to go to round 2, 3 or 4.

If you have a vision for a better future, why stop just when change is starting to do its work … creating discomfort as you move out of that “comfort zone”.  Keep going, improvement will only come after we learn to get comfortable with the discomfort of change.

Don’t let fear control you

2.   Complete The Last 10%

Complete the change. Finish it.

You will be tempted to leave the last 10% because it’s just too hard or you accept you have done all that you can. Don’t quit now. Finish it you are almost there.

3.   Continually Explain The Why Behind The What

If you only focus on what and how, you will always have division or resistance.

What you’re going to do and how you’re going to do it are important.

But they will not penetrate deep enough to transform. Every time you say what, some people will respond with ‘so what’ or propose another ‘what’ and they do not understand why it is important.

Astute leaders always bring into their conversations with the why behind the what, in an effort to generate change that will penetrate and transform.

What and How divides, but Why unites … As the song goes “United we stand, Divided we fall”. Unless we are united in our effort then we are destined to fall.

Why reminds us why we’re in this in the first place: To create value that makes a difference, to build a stronger community of people to make a difference in their lives, to help others be successful.

Leaders who continually explain the why behind the what are much more effective at leading change.

When you remember the why, you change more deeply too. You feel better and have more energy when you eat well. You look better when you eat well. You think and make better decisions when you eat well.

Why motivates what (and how).

Committed, determined, patient leaders are leaders who see the deepest transformation take place.

So … Exactly How Long Does Transformation Take?

Change can happen in months or in a year. But transformation … that moment when people no longer want it the way it was—takes time.
How long? Sometimes the change can take years.

While I would like to share that transformation can occur quickly, because we are challenging people’s values, belief systems and creating a new set of desires it will take time. But the more we invest into this the why practice the stray strong in our determination to stay on the pathway the quicker it can occur and the stronger the organisation will be come and the bigger the return for us all.

Using the definition of transformation as the moment when people no longer want things to go back to the way they were:

You might expect small transformational change like a move introducing a new leader to the team might take months to a year to fully take hold and be fully accepted.

Medium scale changes to the leadership structure might may require transformation to occur within 2-3 years. Some member may accept immediately, however full acceptance from the whole team may take longer depending on desire and values.

Major change, like bringing in new skills and industry to a rural community might take 5-7 years to usher in true transformation.
The time it takes is relative to the change in people’s values and desires. The greater they desire it, the faster the transformation. The closer it is to their own personal values the greater the buy in to transform.

However the wait and determination is worth it.  There is no greater return than seeing people who no longer want to be the way they were.
It’s so rewarding to hear people say things like:

  • Do you remember when I/we used to do …?
  • I can’t believe how much I have changed and the difference it has made to my life …?
  • I’m so thankful to be where I am today …?
  • I love seeing what’s happening around us … I’m so thankful we made that change.
  • It is so exciting to be part of something that impacts lives, I am so grateful to be here

As someone who has helped lead change over almost two decades, I can share there is nothing more rewarding than to see people transform and become more than they ever expected of themselves. 

So there it is.  Its over to you and it is your choice from here. Do you really want the transformation to occur? Do you have the determination, discipline, strength and patience for transformation? Or are you happy to return to Egypt.


Serena Fiso
Connect Global Limited